LASIK Eye Surgery – The Risks Involved

Mar 28, 2023 | Dr Burd Wonder Spray News

Laser surgery is now the most popular and the safest surgery in the country. However, the risk it involves can also not be ignored. Let’s see the risks Lasik eye surgery entails:

• Sometimes, after a Lasik surgery, patient’s vision gets reversed. A patient who was longsighted may become nearsighted after Lasik surgery. Though the chances of this are very less and this can be corrected with another round of surgery.

• Visual Abnormality: Though the probability of this is less than 1%. This anomaly includes halos, starburst and double vision. These defects are noticeable at night or in faint light.

• Dry Eyes: After surgery, some people have experienced chronic red eyes. This happens among patients of all types of laser eye surgery. For most of the patients dryness disappear over a period of time, but for some patients, unfortunately it becomes permanent. In such case, patient might have to use artificial tears for the rest of their life, though the chances are low. Long term dryness can occur if there is an underlying problem that has not been diagnosed and treated before surgery.

• Infection: This is common for any kind of surgery. Though the complication is rare and patient can be treated with eye drops or anti-biotic.

• Corneal Estasia: This is a rare case and occurs in less than 0.2% of all laser eye surgery patients. Corneal estasia results from the cornea swelling and thinning out due to removal of too many tissues. For this, patient can visit Best eye hospital in Delhi and might be recommended rigid contact lenses.

• Flap complications: Small crumples can occur in the corneal flap after LASIK surgery. Usually they do not get in the way of a patient’s vision and no additional treatment is required. Nevertheless, sometimes they are serious enough to reduce visual perception. In such scenario, the Lasik surgeon might winch up the flap, dampen beneath it and lay it back down in the proper place.

• This looks like button holes, partial flaps, uneven fragmented flaps have been seen in Lasik laser eye surgery where a blade microkeratome is used to create the flap. Flap complications are now thankfully rare and treatable.

• Vision Fluctuations: For most of the Lasik eye surgery patient, visual recovery happens overnight. Most patients can read properly without glasses at their first check-up after a LASIK surgery. But after any procedure, the body goes through several changes. Lasik procedure is no different. Some patients might visualize halos and slight vision fluctuation after Lasik surgery.

• Itchy Eyes: It is also common for patients to feel itchy, scratchy but this is not very problematic as these sensations gradually disappear few days after LASIK eye surgery.

If you are considering LASIK, there are some risks as every surgery involves some amount of risk. But they are not life risking factor. You can visit Best eye hospital in Delhi who uses advanced diagnostic technology to operate and treat eye problems. Overall, LASIK eye surgery is safe and has a considerably high success rate. But it is imperative to discuss and consider all the risks and possible hazards with your surgeon prior to undergoing the LASIK procedure.

Source by Naresh Kumar Khorwal

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