The Wonder Spray Affiliate Program offers an affiliate program where qualified applicants can earn commissions for the promotion and sales of Wonder Spray products. We invite you to apply as an affiliate by completing the form below. A representative will contact you to discuss the program, commission structures, and requirements.
The Wonder Spray affiliate program allows select partners to market Dr. Burd Wonder Spray products and earn commissions for each sale.
Affiliate Commisions: 20% of the net sale. Commissions can be increased on a per affiliate basis.
Before Applying…
- ZApplicants must have an existing website or social media presence in order to promote Wonder Spray products
- ZApplicants must maintain content that is not deemed illegal, hate speech, or discriminatory.
- ZApplicants must adhere to online privacy and terms of service requirements.
- ZApplicants, if approved, must only use marketing materials provided by and approved by
- ZAffiliates can be terminated without notice and all commissions will be forfeited in the event they violate our affiliate terms.